Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Like, OMG! Daddy is telling me to like, marry Demetrius. Like, why? I like, am totally into Lysander now. He is like, so hot. He gave all this like, awesome shiny stuff that like, cost like, a bunch money. The stuff is so cute! It even matches with my like,  dress. I said that Lysander is like, the only guy I like, but daddy says no. It is like, totally unfair!

He said that if I like, don't marry Demetrius, I like, have to like, become a nun. They're outfts are like, so ugly! Like black and white is like, sooo last century! Like, come on people, get with the times! Oh and if I don't like, wanna do that then I like, have to die. Like OMG! Those outfits are even uglier! Why would I like, wanna wear something that ugly?! OMG!

So like, me and like, Lysander are totally like, gonna run away. We are so gonna go to the forest. Like, OMG so fairytail. I feel like a princess! It's like, SO romantic! We're gonna like, get married there, and like never EVER come back. So awesome! But I am gonna kinda miss like, the totally cute dresses I'm like leaving behind. But Lysander is like so hot and he like, distracts me.

So like, we're in the forest now. And like, it is like, SO nasty! There are like, trees here, and like animals. EW! Well now we like, have to like, sleep on like, the ground. UGH so nasty!

Where is He?!

Like, this morning woke up and like, Lysander was totally like, not there! Like OMG, ditcher! I thought he was like, totally into me. We like, went to sleep and when I like, woke up, he like, wasn't there! So I like, decided to like, go look for him.

When I like, found him he was like, totally hitting on Helena. Like, I though we were like, BFFL. And then like, Demetrius like, showed up and like, totally started to like, hit on her like, too. She like, totally started to like, say stuff that I like, didn't do!

Then like, the guys like, wanted to like, kill me or something! That would like, totally ruin my dress! So then like, Helena said that I was like, totally in this like, plan with Demetrius and like, Lysander. But I like, totally don't know what she is like, talking about! I was like, SO mad at her! Then when I was gonna slap her, she said, "OMG, no! Lysander, Demetrius, like, protect me!" And I was all like, mad and stuff. So then she like ran away. And I was like, "You are like, a total coward!" SO she was like, "Whatever".

So then I like, had to like sleep on the ground again because I like, couldn't like, find Hermia. OMG she is like, so gonna like, pay for this later.

Getting Like, MARRIED!

So like, when I like, woke up. Theseus and like Daddy were like in the forest too. And like, Helena, Lysander, and like Demetrius were like, there too. Then like, Daddy said that I like, HAVE to marry Demetrius. But like, Demetrius was all like, "I like love Helena, she is like so hot". And like Theseus was ll like totally cool with it. Then he said, "Like you guys should like get married with us!" And we were like "Squeeeee!!!!! Awesomeness!". So well like, all got like, married. And like are all happy and stuff.

So like, during the wedding. I was like, in this like, TOTALLY cute dress. It was all like, shiny, and like, pretty. I got like, lots of stuff to wear. And I was all like, special. Oh and like, me and like, Helena made up and stuff. So now we're BFFL again! So everything is like, okay.

Total Idiots!

Okay so like, after the wedding, everyone was like, "Let's go watch a play" and everyone was like, "Yeah! Totally!" So we like, saw this play. It was called like, Pyramus and Thisbe. It was like totally funny! They were like totally not good at acting. 

The like, main guy character was like, totally not saying the words like, right. And the was like, totally talking! Like, I didn't know walls were supposed to talk... wait can walls actually talk though? I asked Helena and she like, didn't know. But whatever it was like, totally awesome! We like, had so much fun. Theseus was like, totally laughing the whole time. So like, I guess like, everything was like okay!

So like, I guess it's like, umm, the end. Yeah, it was like, totally awesome talking to like, you guys, like yeah.